For Your Loved OneAssisted living facilities are designed to provide hands on care for the elderly by matching them with like-minded, specialized caregivers. Assisted living is a part of a larger continuum of long term assisted care services which offers a combination of home care, medical care, and personal support services designed to meet the unique needs of elderly individuals who require specialized assistance with daily living activities in order to promote maximum independence. 

The Assisted living facility has a variety of choices that will help to select the right care giving environment for your loved one. Whether they are in the acute care situation or are just need a little more help with their regular activities and self-care, an Assisted living community can help place them in the right environment. Assisted living gives the elderly individuals more independence and safety and also creates a setting where they can enjoy the rewards of physical and mental exercise.

Nursing homes and skilled nursing care facilities offer a complement to an assisted living community. Many elderly individuals who would rather remain in their own homes receive continuous supervision and medical care from nurses and/or nurse practitioners. A nursing home can provide many extra services to seniors such as meals served, companionship, physical exercise, bathing, dressing, and daily tasks. These services are often overshadowed by the care of the senior living alone, however, in some cases it is all that is needed to maintain a happy and comfortable senior citizen. Many nursing homes and skilled nursing care facilities are able to provide round the clock nursing care.

There are some assisted living communities that focus on wellness and medical care and offer a very strong emphasis on wellness and fitness. This means that the staff members are well-trained in providing a full range of medical care as needed and have the resources and expertise to make the most of the individual's needs. These facilities may offer a variety of programs including cardiac rehabilitation, weight loss/exercise programs, pulmonary rehabilitation, geriatric care, and more. Each resident will have access to the programs and services they need, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

One of the benefits of an assisted living community is that there is a focus on maintaining a high level of independence for residents. Instead of being required to move into the facility on a regular basis, residents are provided with a warm welcome, social activities, round the clock assistance in the form of trained personal assistants, and the ability to maintain their own private quarters. The high level of independence keeps senior citizens feeling less alone and more comfortable about leaving their homes for longer periods of time. If a senior has a medical condition that requires special medication or is ill, there may be a need for assistance from a medical staff member at the facility.

Most assisted living communities provide some sort of recreation and socialization options for residents. These may include but are not limited to, adult day care, pool services, gym, game rooms, social and relaxation activities, and interaction with other like-minded individuals. Many facilities also offer walking trails, walks, and bike paths to help maintain fitness. Senior citizens are given the ability to explore the local area, meet new people, exercise, and enjoy all of the great services the facility offers. The Meridian memory care communities allow seniors to live independently and enjoy the independence that comes with living in a community setting.

There are many Meridian independent living centers available to choose from. Before you make a decision on a retirement residence, take the time to assess your loved one's individual needs. A thorough assessment and evaluation of your loved one will help you make a wise and informed decision on the type of retirement community suited for them. Once you've chosen the right center for your senior loved one, you can then begin to enjoy their independence and helping them to live a fulfilling life. For more details about this topic, click here: